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Marie is an acclaimed speaker and has spoken at some of the biggest conferences within games and esports, including Devcom, Reboot, Nordic Game, MIGS and ESI.

Marie also visits studios and universities to teach and conduct workshops, both online and in person. Most notably, Marie runs her Masterclass in Bossfight design – keep an eye on her eventbrite page to see when it runs next time.

Marie speaks on the following topics:

  • Esports
  • Game Design
  • Creative vision
  • Creative processes
  • Game AI (NPC’s, simulation and systems)
  • Bossfights

Marie has also starred in countless interviews, podcasts, panels over the years. She also uses to talk about games weekly on TV.

If you are interested in getting Marie to your event, publication, podcast or otherwise, get in touch below.



Over the years, Marie has held or appeared in…


Click on a session type to jump directly to a featured recap of appearances, or keep scrolling!


Selection of some of the sessions Marie has spoken in over the years:

Edvice Webinar 2024

Talk: The Building Blocks of Gameplay 2.0

DevCom 2023

Talk: The Building Blocks of Gameplay

Nordic Game 2023

Talk: Introduction to boss fight design
Jury for Nordic Game Awards

Supercell visit 2023

Talk: The Secrets of Bossfight Design
Talk: Elevate Your Pillars – and Clarify Your Vision 2.0

Toca Boca visit 2023

Talk: My Journey
Talk: Elevate Your Pillars – and Clarify Your Vision 2.0

Reboot Blue 2023

Talk: The Secrets of Bossfight Design

DevCom 2022

Talk: Elevate Your Pillars – and Clarify Your Vision 

Nordic Game Conference 2022

Talk: Too Many Features, Too Little Time? Kill Your Darlings and Save your Game


Talk: Elevate Your Pillars – and Clarify Your Vision

DevPlay 2022

Talk: Elevate Your Pillars – and Clarify Your Vision 

Game Developers Session 2021

Workshop: Level Up Your Design Docs

Indie Campus Cologne 2021

Talk: Experience Goals

LiU Game Conference 2019​

Talk: The Masterplan for managing an International Games Industry career 


Selection of some of the panels Marie has participated in over the years:

DevGAMM Lisbon 2023

Panelist: Challenges and Triumphs: A Deep Dive into AAA Game Development

Naavik's Gaming Podcast 2022

Roundtable participant: Why Blizzard Didn’t Renew NetEase Partnership and What’s Next?

gamesweekberlin 2022​

Panelist: Look, Mom! I’m on TV! – The Dev Booster expert panel on promotion, self-distribution, and fame, going from creators to communicator”

GamesCom 2022 ESI panel

Panelist: Making esports broadcasts more inclusive (satellite event)

ESI London 2021

Panelist: A Place to Call Home – A Look at the Commercial Viability of Esports Venues in 2021

Games:net studio panel 2022

Panelist: Esports Experts Forecast

RuneFest 2018

Panelist: A Day in the Life of a JMod

MIGS 2017

Panelist: In The Long Run


Selection of some of the workshops Marie has led over the years:

Masterclass in Bossfight design

Marie’s own Masterclass in a series of 7 online talks during fall 2023

Game Design Bootcamp 2023

5-day Game Design Bootcamp at Supercell

DevCom 2023

Workshop: Make your own Bossfight

Design Jam 2023

2-day workshop at Inn.no University of Applied Sciences coming up with game ideas, establishing creative vision and extrapolating features

Game Dev Coaching Day 2022

Workshop: Too Many Features, Too Little Time? Kill Your Darlings – And Save your Game

Jagex Diversity Day

Workshop: Introduction to Game Development


Selection of some of the interviews, TV broadcasts, podcasts, articles and similar that Marie has participated in over the years:

DevCom 2022 Livestream

Interview with Incredibuild on the DevCom 2022 Livestream

Out of Play Area Podcast 2022

Interview with John R. Diaz for episode 26 of his ‘Out of Play Area’ podcast

Games.net Podcast 2022

Interviewed by Florian Masuth and Simon Ohler for their Gamet.Net Berlin Europe podcast

Bossfight article in GI.biz 2019

Interviewed by GI-Biz Editor-in-Chief James Bachelor to talk about bossfights in games

Overkligt Podcast 2012

Interviewed in Swedish by Victor Leijonhufvud for their podcast ‘Overkligt’

TV4 Nyhetsmorgon 2012

Interview about Battlefield 3 release in Sweden’s most viewed morning show with 1m+ live viewers. In Swedish.

Metroteknik Season 01 2008

Starred weekly in national Swedish TV, talking about games.