Are you looking for a professional assessment of your game?
A Mock Review is where Marie channels both her expertise within game design and her past as a Game Reviewer to evaluate your game. Marie plays it for a couple of hours and summarizes her overall impressions in a simulated game review. Normally you get the result within a few days. Reviews give honest feedback on where the game shines, where it lacks and how it compares to its competitors. Unlike a Deconstruction, there is no long briefing beforehand, nor reading of any design documents – WYSIWYG.
What it is
Fast and shallow analysis of your game based solely on playthroughs
An expert opinion from a renowned analyst
A written review from a former game reviewer
What it isn't
A look at design documents or decks
Advice how to move forward and improve the game – choose a Deconstruction for that
Assessment of team competence
Quickly evaluate an alpha or vertical slice
Do a trial run how it would be to release your game in its current state
Assess the game's readiness to determine a shipping date
Decide on focus areas for the last months before launch
Get external input on the current build's viability for Go-No Go decisions
Marie’s will present her written review including these conclusions:
What the game does well and what needs improvement
How cohesive the features are and how it all comes together
Comparison how it stacks up in its genre
How the game is likely to perform in its current trajectory
Highlight areas worth improving the most before launch
Game Review:
Content Warning
Press button below to read a sample of a Full Game Review Marie wrote about the 2024 indie hit game ‘Content Warning’
"Understands the players"

"Leaves nothing to chance"

"Brought new perspectives"

"Highlighted ways to greatly improve the game"
The input from Marie has been very helpful, and has highlighted ways to greatly improve the game when continuing the development. Her feedback has been concrete and clear, and overall easy to act upon. I highly recommend Marie to anyone looking to improve the design of their game!"

First Look
- First impressions of games in early stages
- 1-2h long playthrough of your game
- Feedback on the direction the game is headed in
- Highlight areas in need of improvement, areas on par and areas that stand out
- Thoughts summarized in a game review format
- 2-3 page review
- Ignores bugs and obvious WIP content
- NDA can be signed
Full Game Review
- For games that are near completion
- 4h long playthrough of your game
- Judges everything in the game except items flagged by you beforehand
- Comparison with competitors
- Highlight the game’s USPs
- Point out of features below gamer expectation
- Predictions if gamers will approve of the game
- All summarized in a classic, 5 page game review format
- NDA can be signed