Do you want your game to reach its fullest potential?
Marie’s Deconstructions are aimed at sharpening your game’s vision and improving its chances of success. Marie analyzes the game’s design in full, projects how it will all come together once released, highlight it’s shortcomings, compare it with competitors, see everything it could be and plots her recommended paths forward. She then presents her conclusions in a report where she predicts how the game would perform if released today and highlights changes or additions that would greatly increase its appeal. Read on below to hear more about Marie’s Deconstructions below. Additional variants of her analysis exists for multiplayer games and especially those with esports ambitions.
What it is
Strengthening your game on it’s creative path
A deep-dive into the design of your game by an expert analyst and designer
Analyzing each game areas in full and seeing what fits well, what doesn’t and what’s missing
Suggestions that make your game excel even further
What it isn't
Changing your game’s creative goals
Turning the game into what it’s not
Telling you to stop innovate and just copy others
An indication if or not development should continue – that’s what Reviews are for
Depending on which deconstruction is chosen, different ones apply:
Identify focus areas that brings the most value to the players
Get an edge on competitors feature-wise
Stay ahead of popular trends
Widen and increase your game's appeal
Increase the game's retention with social features & meta systems
Tighten the gameplay experience and challenge
Deepen teamplay & improve player coordination
Make your game esports-ready
Set up the game for success once released
Ensure your game reaches its fullest potential
How the game is likely to perform in its current trajectory
Present opportunities that could give it edge on its competitors
Suggestions on how it can serve its target audience even better
Detail improvements that can enhance each feature to reach its fullest potential
Highlight top focus areas most worth putting effort into improving
Recommend action plan considering goals, resources and timeline
Below are the Deconstruction variants that Marie offers – click ‘Read More’ for further details.

Vision & Gameplay
For all games - strengthens the game's identity, improves the gameplay in various aspects and promotes increased retention.
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For multiplayer games that want to tighten their mechanics, tactics, depth, teamplay and retention.
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Esports readiness
Ensures your game has all it takes and is well set up to foster a vibrant competitive community and become an esports.
Read MorePrice is within range depending on how encompassing the game is.