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Nordic Game panel

Marie Mejerwall moderating a panel at Nordic Game Conference 2024

Yesterday, Marie conducted a panel discussion about women working in games at Nordic Game with the absolute kickass Jenny Ă–sterlund đŸ”œ Nordic Game and Mafalda Duarte!

The conclusion was – being a woman can be hard enough in the games industry, so support someone who is! Some of the suggestions given from our panelists included:

– Highlight their ideas
– Open doors
– Refer them
– Put them in touch with people who can help progress their career
– If you can’t attend an event, offer your spot to a woman
– Mentor them
– Feedback on their CVs
– Help them with their pitch decks
– Let them be stand-ins when a leader leaves temporarily
– Encourage and empower them

It was a lovely discussion with a full room of women & allies. Thanks everyone who came and thanks Nordic Game for sponsoring!