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Category: Appearances

Promotional graphics for Marie Mejerwall at Morocco Gaming Expo 2024
24 May, 2024

Marie at Morocco Gaming Expo

Marie will be heading to Morocco to be panel moderator for the inaugural edition of

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Promotional graphic describing Marie Mejerwall's webinar in game design on May 30 2024
23 May, 2024

Webinar next week

Today Marie announced that she well give a free webinar next week, in collaboration with

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Marie Mejerwall moderating a panel at Nordic Game Conference 2024
23 May, 2024

Nordic Game panel

Yesterday, Marie conducted a panel discussion about women working in games at Nordic Game with

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Graphic showing Marie Mejerwall's presence at Nordic Game Conference Spring 2024
14 May, 2024

Nordic Game appearance

Marie will be at Nordic Game Spring 2024!Her objective is to meet prospective clients -

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Cover image for Marie interviewed by Dannis Sandén in esportpodden
6 May, 2024

New podcast is out

Last week, Marie sat down with podcast host Dennis Sandén of Esportpodden to talk about

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